

Holly Fetter
is a Texafornian majoring in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity while pursuing her M.A. in Sociology. She’s also writing an honors thesis about civil society in China. She’s been involved with a lot of student groups, from FLIP to Las Hermanas to Stanford Students For Queer Liberation. She’s trying to figure out how to get people with privilege to talk about it. She is the Managing Editor of STATIC online.

Jovel Queirolo is a junior from the San Francisco Bay Area majoring in Biology. She is interested in the intersections of the sciences and the humanities, particularly the patterns and themes that emerge in both. She’s really into ants. And Star Wars. She is the Managing Editor of Static in print.


Lea Gee-Tong
is a senior studying Human Biology who is involved in queer student activism, education programming and outreach, and cultural competency health research and advocacy.


Joel Kek
is very interested the intersection between technology and social change. Along these lines, he is also involved with Stanford in Government and Code the Change.

Leah Thomas is a senior majoring in Human Biology with a concentration in education. She is active in the queer community and seeks to create safe spaces on campus.


Elizabeth S. Q. Goodman,
who also goes by her middle name “Quirk”, is a mathematics PhD student expecting to graduate in 2014. She admires cities as many admire “Nature”: strange humans and strange art are interdependent, powerful, beautiful. She enjoys living and volunteering in San Francisco, but is also excited to have joined Stanford Students For Queer Liberation.

Alex Nana-Sinkam
is a Senior studying International Relations, minoring in African Studies and (fingers crossed) Art Studio Photography. She currently feels strongly about: using art and other unconventional methods to address and articulate issues in international social health. She is currently into: honest words, pop chips, Frank Ocean. She is currently trying to: write more, eat breakfast, look forward to (rather than panic about) the future.


Angela Cenzon is a senior majoring in Human Biology with a minor in Political Science and is excitedto support activism on campus after spending her junior year abroad.

Edward Ngai
 is a news and politics junkie who loves running, the Canucks, and oxfordcommas.


Dania Marinshaw
is a junior from North Carolina majoring in Human Biology with a concentration in Design for Human Performance and Wellness.


Raymond Luong
is currently a sophomore majoring in Management Science & Engineering. Aside from his major and STATIC, he’s interested in sociology, pop culture, digital media, and laughing.

Lina Schmidt is a sophomore interested in writing and playing music. She is also a member of SSQL and is excited to be on the STATIC team!

Caitlin Wraith is a junior from New Jersey in Stanford’s Urban Studies program, concentrating in Education. In her free time not spent as the WestFlo PHE, Caitlin engages in queer and feminist activism on campus, reads biographies, watches documentaries, and spends time with friends.


Kristian Davis Bailey
is a junior from New York studying Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity. He’s interested in how to use media to discuss identity, privilege and power. He’s also interested in building a coalition of justice-minded students on campus.

Giselle Moreau
is currently a freshman at Stanford University. Although she is undecided in her major, she is exploring a variety of academic interests including English literature, queer and feminist theory, and comparative studies in race and ethnicity. Besides her job as a freshman intern at the Stanford LGBT Community Resources Center, she enjoys writing, a good café au lait, spontaneous dancing, and cozy rainy days with her guitar.

Elena Musz
is a Freshman from Montana studying Psychology and English and is interested in how social psychology and the language we use to discuss personal identity can help or harm our communities. She loves jazz music, the vibrancy Static brings to activism at Stanford, and being an ice cream connoisseur.


Annie Graham
is a junior from Phoenix, Arizona majoring in English, and is a founding member of the group Stanford Athletes and Allies Together- ensuring that a safe space exists for queer and allied athletes, on and off the field of competition.

Lewis Marshall is a Ph.D. student in Chemical Engineering. He is the former president of Atheists, Humanists, and Agnostics @ Stanford.

Erika Lynn Abigail Kreeger loves to write, read, challenge and learn. She likes to explore the relationship the humans have between other non-human organisms, sex in modern society, food preparation, from farm to the kitchen, and many other things. When she’s not working, she can be found in the Synergy kitchen baking bread.

Julia LaSalvia is a former sorority girl and senior in Stanford’s Political Science Department. She is currently interested in discussing social mobility in American society and jamming out to Childish Gambino.


Sammie Wills is an enthusiastic freshman from Las Vegas. She loves STATIC, the comparison of Eastern and Western social justice movements, and the way technology is being used to reform typical learning methods. She also adores cats, origami, Beyoncé, coffee, tea, and typography.

If you’re interested in getting involved with our crew, please email

We’re always looking for new Staff Writers, and you can find that application here.


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